
Hypnos och body-mind-metoder vid behandling av trauma i psykoterapi

CHP- Centrum för Hypnos och Psykoterapi, erbjuder kvalificerad fördjupningsutbildning i trauma för psykologer och psykoterapeuter med minst steg 1-utbildning. Kursstart VT-25.

Läs mer under Utbildning.

Stefan Hammel gästar Stockholm 25-26 okt 2024!

Härmed bjuds du in till spännande systemiska workshopdaga i ett nätverkande samarbete mellan CHP- Centrum för Hypnos och Psykoterapi och FFST – Familjeterapiföreningen Stockholm.


Transforming Lives with Hypno-Systemic Therapy                                  Kreativa metoder för par-, familj-, individuell, -terapi i alla åldrar

Varmt välkommen till en eller två dagars workshop!

Stefan är en varm, klok och inspirerande familjeterapeut, hypnosterapeut, protestantisk pastor, föreläsare och författare till ett flertal böcker.   

Läs mer: www.stefanhammel.com

Under 1 eller 2 dagar får du arbeta praktiskt tillsammans med likasinnade, i syfte att bredda, fördjupa och utveckla din terapeutiska metodik.


Dag 1.  On Finding Grass in the Desert – Introduction to Therapeutic Storytelling

The seminar provides insights on how to…

  • Spontaneously find therapeutic stories for clients at any time.
  • Formulate and embed therapeutic narratives effectively into conversations.
  • Transform problem metaphors into solution metaphors that are naturally reintegrated into the clients’ reality.

The seminar is oriented towards the practical counseling situations experienced by the participants, with the aim that the methods conveyed can be immediately integrated into the participants’ work.

Therapeutic storytelling has always been a central component of systemic therapy, hypnotherapy, and many other forms of counseling. The use of metaphors and example stories has been known since ancient times, originating in the East, and remains one of the most effective forms of counseling to this day. These stories are either told by the therapist or introduced by the client and then reinterpreted by the therapist, or they are develope collaboratively by the conversation partners.                                                                                But how do I discover a useful story, and how do I tell it? This seminar teaches techniques to spontaneously develop individual stories in counseling and narrate them therapeutically effectively. It is illustrated how such stories can be used in therapies with issues concerning trauma, depression or anxiety disorders as well as in child, couple and family therapy.

Dag 2. Discovering and developing resources – Therapeutic Modeling with Individuals, Couples and Families

Therapeutic Modelling – a method close to constellation work or part’s work based on conversational hypnosis (Erickson) and constructivism (Watzlawick). The method is suitable for individuals as well as for couples, families, teams, children, etc.

Part of this therapy form, developed by Stefan Hammel, involves closely observing and describing the nonverbal reactions of the client to reinforce and stabilize the emerging positive changes. This results in a new form of individual, couples, and family therapy, built upon bodily experiences and involuntary behaviors. This approach is particularly suitable for situations involving complex, chronic, and rapidly escalating conflicts, aiming to bring about effective solutions.

Therapeutic modeling is an alert, secure, and radically effective form of hypnosystemic therapy, in which…

  • The client’s distressing experiences are dissociated from the client onto different seats.
  • The client is imagined as a person experiencing their desired outcome on a different seat.
  • Through a switch to the desired seat, the client identifies with the desired experience.
  • The desired experience is stabilized as a new identity experience for the client.

We will start working with an individual who has a partner issue but the partner is not there, and then move forward to the use for couple and familiy issues in the afternoon.

Plats: Centrala Stockholm, exakt plats kommer att meddelas inom kort.

Tid: 9.00 – 16.30, båda dagarna.

Kostnad: 1 dag 1000 kr, 2 dagar 1800 kr. Kaffe på för och eftermiddagen ingår.

Anmälan till: inger.slussen@gmail.com                                                                                       

Uppge ditt namn, fullständigt faktureringsunderlag, mail, telefon samt vilken/vilka dagar du vill vara med.

Anmälan är bindande, men får överlåtas, senast den 15 sep -24.

Begränsat antal deltagare. Först till kvarn.

Dagarna hålls på engelska.

(Digital medverkan är möjlig, anmäl ditt intresse till Inger. Kostnad en dag 500 kr, 2 dagar 1000 kr)

Stefan Hammel har skrivit:

* Handbook of Therapeutic Storytelling. Stories and Metaphors in Psychotherapy, Child and Family Therapy, Medical Treatment,  Coaching and Supervision (Routledge 2018), 

* The Blade of Grass in the Desert: Storytelling – Forgotten Medicine. A Story of 100 Stories (impress 2018)

*Therapeutic Interventions in Three Sentences. Reshaping Ericksonian Therapy by talking to the Brain and Body (Routledge 2019)

* Transforming Lives with Hypno-Systemic Therapy. A Practical Guide (Routledge 2024)

Om Hypnos och smärtbehandling: Titta på inslaget i Malou efter tio, 7 dec 2020 – https://tv4play.se/program/malou-efter-tio/12620259


Titta på inslaget i NYHETSMORGON: (okt 2020)


Lyssna på Kropp & Själ i P1, Om hypnos, sändes 22 sep 2020.

Gå in på https://sverigesradio.se/kroppsjal ds.

Inger Lundmark leg.psykoterapeut, Pregrad Petrovic specialistläkare i psykiatri och docent vid Karolinska Institutet, forskare inom kognitiv neurovetenskap samt Dr. Perjohan Lindfors Specialist inom gastroenterologi och hepatologi, samtalar om klinisk hypnos i behandlingsarbete.

Daniel Cemonini om hypnos i pod: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4COzgMj1UIVTY7YeM3YbCi?si=dBVbuV27SLm9Q1s5gtzZ3w

Nästa fortsättningskurs i klinisk hypnos startar maj 2021 Läs mer under utbildning!